Outdoors Gathering Ideas

As the warmer seasons are approaching it’s time to go outdoors and have a good time soaking up the sunlight and enjoying the great energy that comes with some vitamin D. Especially if you live in Seattle.

In this post we will share two fun and easy-to-execute ideas for you, your friends and your family to celebrate those good moments together! After all, we believe life’s all about the moments we spend with the people we love! 


This classic is always a good option for celebrating many types of occasions, such as birthdays, job promotions and also when your football team wins! 

In this post you’ll find a barbecue menu suggestion. There are a few ways you can manage what will be served, for example:

  • You can provide all the food and drinks to your guests; or
  • You can provide the food and ask your guests to bring drinks; or
  • You can organize a potluck and ask them to bring both food and drinks.

An important thing to be aware of is the right amount of food and drinks in order to avoid waste. Wondering how to calculate how much food and drink you need for your party? Our party planning tool was designed to help you with this!

Barbecue menu Ideas

And as the sun starts going down and the temperature drops, it’s time to start planning our next suggestion.


Another fun option is to invite your friends and family to spend some good time around a bonfire with yummy food while catching up.

The favorites for this kind of event are, for sure, hot dogs and s’mores. Here you can find other great recipes to impress your guests! Also, if you love this idea, but don’t have the utensils, there are some nice and affordable kits for you to start with.

And last but not least, make sure you have some blankets available for your guests to make it a really cozy experience!

Bonfire favorites

And always remember, no matter which option you choose, make sure that you’re aware of any food restrictions or allergies that your guests might have. You can find good ideas for an inclusive menu like this one by doing a quick online research.

Don’t forget to share your thoughts about this post and tell us what other topics you would like to know more about here by leaving a comment.

2 thoughts on “Outdoors Gathering Ideas

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