My Top 8 “The Office” Parties

Besides loving to host parties, I am a complete TV and film addict. There have been many memorable parties on TV over the years so I wanted to list a few favorites. But don’t expect to see memorably dramatic parties here like Game of Thrones’ Red Wedding or Grey’s Anatomy’s Hospital Prom. This is a happy blog and parties are happy occasions (unless you’re a Stark).

“The Office”, for me, is hands down the show with the most memorable and hilarious parties, followed by “Friends”. They even published a Party Planning Guide that just got into my must read list for next year. For this list, I chose parties from “The Office” that were so funny that I wished they had been real and I had been there. 

**SPOILER ALERT: Details about the show’s story will be shared here.**


dinner party

River of tears. This is one of the funniest Office episodes for me. Can you imagine being invited to a dinner party where the food will take 4hs to get ready and the host couple starts arguing in front of guests? Then there’s the smallest flat screen in the world, the neon sign in the dining room, the candle making and Jan’s assistant’s band CD that clearly talked about having an affair with her. Not to forget Dwight showing up with his ex-nanny posing as a date.Worst. Dinner. Party. Ever. Period. Or was it the best? 



robert california's pool party

This was epic in so many ways. First, I have to say I love Robert California. Substituting Steve Carrell was going to be challenging and I love how show runners made that obvious with all the interviews for a new boss. James Spader’s California is such a wonderful and exotic human being. You can’t even compare the two. 

And this party is quintessential California. I mean, a pool party at your boss’s mansion? Hmmm…not a good idea. If your boss is Robert California: hell, no! Not even the master of leaving parties early was able to skip that one.


cafe disco

After resuming his post as office manager, Michael decides to set up a “cafe disco” in his old Michael Scott Paper Company office. It takes a while but pretty soon everyone gets on board and I gotta say I think this a great idea for unwinding in the workplace. Who wouldn’t love watching Kelly and Andy dance off for hours? Everybody dance now!


kelly's forgotten birthday

This party has become so iconic that it is a real party theme now. People throw birthday parties with this sign and these sad little balloons on purpose just because it is so hilarious. It serves to show that party planning can go incredibly wrong, especially if you are Jim and Dwight.


the dundies

You have to admit that Michael always tried hard to entertain his employees. Sure, with a touch of bullying and humiliation but he had good intentions. I think. The Dundie Awards were one of those attempts to motivate his people and show off his “talents” at the same time. It is embarrassing on many levels but as a die-hard Jim and Pam fan, I love the end where Pam gets too drunk and goes for it. 

dwight's christmas

The absurdity of it all is very characteristic of “The Office”. In this unforgettable x-mas party, Dwight shows up as Belsnickel, a creepy looking character from his childhood who plays a game called “Impish or Admirable” to decide who deserves a gift. 


BBQ at Jim's

So much relatability. Jim hosts a BBQ at his place for co-workers but doesn’t invite Michael because he’s the boss and he wants people to be relaxed. But we know he’s not any boss. He’s Michael. So of course he shows up and ends up being the life of the party in his own way. 

But my favorite part is Pam snooping around in Jim’s bedroom and the whole feel of an authentic unpretentious hang out with friends. I loved those kinds of parties. Now I have a toddler so…


secret santa

I’ve always had mixed feelings about secret santa. It can be really cool if you get someone you know and like so you can put a lot of thought into giving them something great. But at the office, often it’s gonna be someone you usually only salute from afar and know very little about. 

This Secret Santa was going well until Michael decided to turn into a White Elephant party and then extremely customized gifts ended up in the wrong hands. Especially after Michael throws an iPod in the mix.


Needless to say, those are only 8 of tens of deliciously entertaining parties featured in “The Office”. If you’re a fan like me and want to host a themed party of your own, check out these cool ideas:




And, of course, you can’t forget Michael’s signature drink:

Now, what about you? What was your favorite “The Office” party?