It’s fall, y’all!!

Fall arrives soon and I cannot get enough of these gorgeous colors. In Rio, where I grew up, we don’t really have very defined seasons. They are all variations of summer. So getting to see the wonder of nature during this time of the year is a always a reason for celebration. Plus, my daughter was born in the fall, so it became extra special for me. 

With that in mind, I’m gonna share a few ideas for fall inspired parties. Let’s make the most out of it before the cold really takes over!

Bonfire Favorites

Even though it’s starting to get chilly, there are still a few ways you can enjoy the outdoors with a little bonfire and warm treats. You can pick your favorites (hot chocolate, s’mores, caramel apple, pies) and either set up a self-serve station of your own or have each guest bring their own contribution.

Hot Chocolate Bar
S’mores Bar
Caramel Apple Bar
Pie Bar


Not your typical fall party but a fall party nonetheless. Sausages, potatoes, mustard, pretzels and beer. Lots of beer. The Sweet Occasion put together a pretty cool checklist with menu and beer suggestions. Check it out!

Little Pumpkin

If your little one’s birthday is in the fall, or if you’re planning a baby shower this season, this is a really cute theme option. Decorations should be easy leveraging all the seasonal flowers and produce: pumpkins and other squashes, acorns, apples, dry and colorful leaves, sunflowers. ​​ 

Pumpkin Decor Party

Whether it’s carving or painting, this is guaranteed fun for any type of guest. Younger kids will have a blast painting pumpkins while older guests can get their creative juices flowing with their carving. Make sure you have plenty of supplies for both activities and also consider printing out some pattern ideas to get the inspiration going. You can even hold a presentation ceremony afterwards so that everyone can show off their skills.

You may be thinking I forgot the 2 most typical fall parties of all: Thanksgiving and Halloween. I did not. They are just too huge to cover in this post. More on them soon. 😉