Ideas for celebrating 4th of July

If you had the chance to read the About Us session you already know that I’m originally from Brazil. So, you can imagine all the cultural differences I noticed by the time I moved to the US and one of them was the Independence Day’s celebration. I love to see how everyone enjoys it and manifests their patriotism on July 4th.

Even I, who wasn’t born in the US, love to celebrate this day with my friends. So, I want to  share some ideas for you to have fun on this (most of the time) sunny holiday.

  • Make a list and invite your guests

Knowing the number of people that are coming to your gathering is fundamental to start planning all the items that will be listed. A good practice is to reach out to your guests earlier and ask them to RSVP by a week before. 

While we are working on our app to make it possible for you to manage your guests’ information and RSVP, you can send them a Google invitation to make it easier to track who will come. Here you will find some free 4th July online invitations to send to your family and friends.

  • Menu

When it comes to the food and drinks, my suggestion is to go with the American classics. I created a menu idea considering starters, entrees (hotdogs and hamburgers, the classics) and one dessert option. If you want to go beyond, here you will find other ideas with a menu full of options!

  • Main Entrees
    • Hot dog
    • Hamburger

A good idea here is to use a grill for the meats and having the toppings available for your guests to serve themselves.

Here you will find many other dessert ideas.

  • Party space

Considering it will be Summer, I love the idea of picking an outdoor space to receive your guests. My suggestion is to have a more informal approach: simply  lay off food and decorations on tables with few chairs around. I believe this creates a more friendly atmosphere where people can interact with others easily.

And always make sure to check if there will be someone with special needs, so that you can plan ahead  a space that’s inclusive for everyone.

  • Decoration

Finally, the step I love the most! It’s time to have fun and think about the decoration. As we’re talking about the 4th of July,  we already know the decoration colors: blue, white and red.

With this in mind you need to decide if you want to go more simple or sophisticated. Below I’m sharing inspirations for both approaches and here you can find many options to implement them.



I hope you like the suggestions I made in this post.

2 thoughts on “Ideas for celebrating 4th of July

  1. Loved the ideas, thank you for sharing!
    I’ll host 4th of July for the first time and was looking for references and menu suggestions 🙂

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