Ideas for a Picnic Party

After moving from Brazil to Washington state I found out how much being close to nature makes me feel more relaxed and happy. I used to live in a big Brazilian city called Sao Paulo and, even though I loved the urban vibes there, I rarely got to spend time at parks or hiking.

Here, especially during the Summer, all my weekends and even on some weekdays, I have plans to go hiking or meet with my friends in parks. That’s why, today, I want to share some ideas you can use for a picnic party. I believe they might be useful from a romantic picnic to a birthday party.

Choosing the place

In my opinion, the best place to throw a picnic party would be a park where it’s possible to find a lot of green and with big trees where you can take advantage of their shadows. However, if you have a good space in your home like a backyard, it will also be a good choice. 

Important things to consider when planning a picnic are: 

  • Check the weather forecast before defining the date;
  • It’s a good idea to provide sunscreen and insect repellent to your guests;
  • If you’ll have a considerable number of kids attending the event, it’s nice to find a place that has a playground.

Foods and drinks

As we are talking about warmer seasons, I love the idea of having many fruit and vegetable options. Also, it’s better to count on small bites, so that you don’t need to worry about having a lot of utensils.

Some good snacks options are:

  • mini pretzels; 
  • rice cakes;
  • tortilla chips (pair with salsa or guacamole);
  • crackers (pair with tuna salad, chicken salad, pimento cheese, or cheese & meat);
  • fruit & veg pouches;
  • chips;
  • veggie straws.

Good choices for drinks are juices, iced teas, sparkling water, flavored waters.  

Tips: don’t forget to have some utensils such as plates, napkins, bowls for serving the food, cups. And it’s a good idea to bring a cooler for the drinks. Also, depending on the number of guests you’ll have, it’s possible to find great deals like this at Amazon.


Since you’ll be around nature, make sure to take advantage of that by using some flowers to decorate the picnic area. I also love the classics like the blanket and the basket

You can also create a comfortable place by having some fun pillows around and, if this is a birthday party, some balloons will make the difference for the celebration. You can also plan to have some activities during your event.

I hope these ideas make you feel like having a picnic party before this Summer ends. Let me know if you have any other nice ideas by leaving a comment in this post.