Going Away Party Ideas

It has become more and more common to see people moving from their hometown looking for better opportunities or just to have the experience of living in a new city, state or country (like me!). Among all the challenges of going away, the one I believe is the toughest is leaving behind your friends and family. Both those who stay and those who leave need to learn how to deal with this new reality.

We all know that technology helps to shorten the distance, however nothing is the same as hanging out face to face with the people you love. So, if someone you care about is leaving any time soon, throwing a Going Away party to show them how much they’re special is an amazing idea. In this post I’ll be sharing how you can organize it. 

Before planning the party, make sure not to schedule it too close to the departure date as we all know how busy things get when one is getting prepared to move. I would say to plan it for at least 2 weeks before the person leaves.

All that said, let’s do it!

Guests list

I’m the kind of person that loves to be with a lot of people and I always invite almost all of my friends to the parties I throw at my home. When thinking about a Going Away party I think it should be different, though. On this specific occasion, it’s important that the person that is moving away has the time to hang out with their friends and family, as it might take a while until they’re able to do it in person again. 

So, my suggestion here is that you identify their closest friends and family and invite only them.

Food and Drinks

It doesn’t matter if he or she is moving to a new city, state or country, there will be local yummy things they will miss after going away. When thinking about the menu, talk to people and find out what is their favorite savory and sweet foods and if there is any specific drink they love. 

Another good idea here is to ask some guests to bring something they know the person likes and make it a Potluck party. In this post I shared some valuable tips on how to organize this kind of party.


Farewells are always nostalgic, so an amazing idea to decorate is to print some pictures and make a photo wall using clothespins. Check out these options (link to the store by clicking in the images).

There are also some decoration kits you can find at Amazon, like this or this one

I love the idea of having cards where people can write a special memory they have with the person that is going away. This is the kind of thing that warms the heart up. 

I’m sure that with these simple ideas I shared, your loved one will know how special they are. And when they’re far away, they will always remember about each one with so much love.

What about you? Is there someone you care about that has moved away? If so, let me know about your experience in the comments.