Girls Night

Recently, some of my friends and I organized a surprise bridal shower for a friend that’s getting married next September. It was a pajama party just with the girls and we had such a great time together that we started wondering about planning a girls night at least bimonthly.

As women we know all the things we’re worried about every day and how overwhelmed we frequently get trying to take care of everything. That’s why I thought about sharing some easy ideas in this post, so that you can plan some time for you and your friends to relax and have fun.

Before listing some valuable tips, I would say the most important one is related to planning it ahead. In our case, for example, many of our friends have kids, so they need enough time to arrange how it’s going to work when they’re away from home. Otherwise, they wouldn’t be able to attend or, the worst scenario, they would get worried and wouldn’t enjoy it appropriately. 

A fun fact about the bridal shower I mentioned before was that this was the first time one of our friends took a time alone (without her daughter) and she was so excited and had so much fun, then I realized how crucial it is for everyone to have time to talk about nothing in particular without having something to worry about. 

So, here are my tips if you’re thinking about planning a Girls Night:

  • Make it Simple

The idea is for  everybody to relax and just have fun. So, when thinking about the menu don’t forget to make it as simple as possible. This is not the occasion to make something fancy or a dinner with multiple courses.

My suggestion would be a Cheese board. Carol published a really useful post that’ll make it easier for you to make a wonderful one. Ordering a pizza or Mexican food is a good idea as well.

You can also ask each of your friends to bring their favorite beverage. So you’ll just need to provide napkins, some glasses and, depending on the number of your guests, you can also have a cooler with some ice ready.

If you want to have some decor, flowers are always a good choice. Check out our board on Pinterest to find really good inspiration.

  • Play games and/or Watch a movie

It’s nice to have some activities planned such as board games or,  if you will be spending more than 4 hours together, a good idea is to also plan a movie. Just make sure to choose a light one as the idea isn’t watching a drama where everyone starts crying together. Also, choose something that takes no more than 2,5 hours, so that you have time to chat as well.

Below some movie suggestions: 

I also shared some party activities for adults in this post.

I hope this post helps you organize a time with your friends and that you have a really fun time. I’m already counting the days for the next one with my friends.